Understanding R2 and e-Stewards for ITAD

Understanding R2 and e-Stewards for ITAD

Upcoming changes to the Basel Convention have brought together what’s been considered two “rival” organizations for ITAD compliance certifications. The Basel Action Network created the e-Stewards initiative and Sustainable Electronics Recycling International administer R2. Both sides are collaborating in response to discovering that some companies in the US were exporting scrap plastic overseas, breaching the Basel Convention.

Ingram Micro Lifecycle are responsible for the processing of millions of data-bearing devices every year. It is of utmost importance that we have strict procedures in place to ensure the safe and compliant disposition of residual data. To that end, our facilities are regularly audited to ensure compliance with industry standards.

In light of the recent developments surrounding BAN and SERI, we take a look at the two standards below.

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What are the R2 and e-Stewards standards for?

These are two key safety and environmental compliance programs that IT Asset Disposition providers may certify for. Both certifications require companies to meet rigorous standards for e-waste processing and to have verifiable environmental controls in place. Both are represented by a council of third-party stakeholders such as NGOs, government bodies, and independent businesses.

While the overall environmental goals of both certifications are similar, the two certifications follow slightly different paths.


This certification, borne from the input of a multi-stakeholder group, is available globally to businesses of any size or industry. It covers environmental, health and safety, quality, and data security standards, guiding businesses towards responsible practices for used electronics.

The most recent version of the standard is R2v3, which was launched in 2020.

SERI-certified bodies conduct audits of facilities, not only covering the primary vendor, but all downstream vendors too.

Appendices to the main certification indicate specialty processing needs such as ITAD/remarketing, e-scrap/recycling, returns/warranty/trade-in, and data destruction. This acknowledges that new technologies have led to new forms of processing, such as trade-in. Vendors can now apply for specific additions to the main certification which are applicable to their line of work.

The certification aims to be more comprehensive at covering both core and additional process requirements. All vendors must adhere to the requirements of the core certification, but process requirements only need to be applied to specific businesses.

The purpose of R2 is to maximize, “the value of electronics at each stage in the product life cycle by extending the life of electronic devices and components through legitimate reuse whenever feasible, and by reclaiming the materials from electronics at the end of their useful life.  Not only does this keep electronics out of the waste stream, it preserves resources and reduces the environmental footprint of electronics by reducing the need to mine for new materials.”


Another global accreditation, e-Stewards works to ensure compliance with the waste trade rules of 190 countries. As such, it’s origin stems from the “cyber-age nightmare” that’s been created by the waste that’s transported to China and Africa.

Its mission statement is, “The e-Stewards initiative defines and promotes ethical and responsible electronics reuse and recycling best practices worldwide.”

To obtain the e-Stewards standard, the vendor must also obtain NAID AAA to ensure the destruction of residual data on electronics. ISO 14001 or RIOS Environmental Management Systems must also be held.

Third party experts in data security and environmental protection are used for the auditing process, and both processors and enterprises can apply for certification.

The most recent version of the standard is 4.1.

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Ingram Micro is committed to following and expanding our certification to rigorous data security, worker safety, and environmental standards at our ITAD processing centers worldwide.

Check out the standards and certifications we hold per location.

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