
We proudly maintain a wide range of industry-critical certifications and accreditations, illustrating our commitment to promoting a circular economy and giving our customers confidence that all of our services meet the highest standards. Please contact us for specific site and service certifications, or view a list by certification.



The e-Stewards Certification is a rigorous, intensive set of performance requirements created specifically for the ITAD industry to provide the highest levels of social and environmental protection.



ElectroG Certification Badge

Similar to the WEEE directive in Europe, Germany’s Electrical and Electronic Equipment Act oversees the sale, disposal, and recycling of any electrical and electronic equipment.

DIN 66399

ElectroG Certification Badge

Developed by the German Institute for Standardization, DIN 66399 certification involves destruction requirements across six media categories based on security levels.

ISO 9001

Manages quality across any size organization, enforcing quality management systems

ISO 14001

Ensures that companies’ internal environmental management systems are up to par with global standards

ISO 22301

Helps organizations maintain and improve management systems that protect, reduce, prepare for, and recover from disruptions while maintaining a predetermined level of functioning.

ISO 27001

Better equips companies in the secure management of assets

ISO 45001

Regulations to improve employee safety, reduce workplace risks, and create better, safer working conditions.


NAID Certification Badge
The National Association of Information Destruction (NAID) certification relies on a strict set of principles when handling and recycling data-bearing devices, as well as adhering to the highest security and ethics standards in the information destruction industry.


WEEELABEX Certification Badge

The WEEELABEX certification relies on a comprehensive set of technical requirements for the collection, sorting, storage, transportation, preparation for re-use, treatment, processing, and disposal of all kinds of e-waste.

Our Certifications & Affiliations

Blancco logo
coalition for american electronics recycling logo
microsoft authorized refurbisher logo
reverse logistics association logo
zertifizierungs netzwerk logo
i-sigma member logo
idsc logo
aaa-naid certified logo
weeelabex logo

Want to know more about our certifications?

Get in touch